November 1, 2024 - 30 Tishrei 5785
Shabbat Service Schedule
Friday Night Services at 6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Morning
Torah Circle at 8:30 a.m.
In Person and Zoom (Meeting ID 636 302 2992 PW 1818)
Services Begin at 9:30 a.m.
Mincha at 6:00 p.m.
Musical Havdalah at 7:24 p.m.
Candle Lighting 6:24 p.m.
To View Services, Click Here .
To Access Torah Circle, Click Here .
In Person and Zoom (Meeting ID 636 302 2992 PW 1818)
Torah Readers & Service Leaders
P'sukei D'zimrah
Cantor Howard Rosenblatt
Cantor Howard Rosenblatt
Rishon Genesis 11:1-11:4
Adam Bronstone
Sheni Genesis 11:5-11:9
Adam Bronstone
Shilishi Genesis 11:10-11:13
Adam Bronstone
Revi'l Genesis 11:14-11:17
Adam Bronstone
Hamishi Genesis 11:18-11:21
Adam Bronstone
Shishi Genesis 11:22-11:25
Cyd Robbins
Shevi'l Genesis 11:26-11:32
Cyd Robbins
Maftir Numbers 28:9-28:15
Cyd Robbins
Haftorah Isaiah 66:1-24
Connie Stern
Shammas: Aaron Snook
Torah reading starts on page 58 of Etz Hayim Humash.
Haftorah reading starts on Page 1220 of Etz Hayim Humash.
David Auerbach for Aunt Claire Calman
Roslyn Levy for Mother Dorothy Friedlaender
Arthur Shifrin for Father David Shifrin
Renee Shifrin for Father David Shifrin
Stephen Sperling for Mother Rena Sperling
Barbara Ullman for Father Milton Raff
Michael Resnick for Brother Gary Adam Resnick
Suzanne Lichter-Clark for Mother Idella Lichter
Beverly Sherman for Husband Alex Sherman
Adam Bronstone for Goldie Rittberg
Eleanor Snyder for Mother Lillian Juren
Florence Fox Vendeland for Mother Gertrude Goodman
The Ghosts on the Wall - A Discussion with Kenneth D. Wald
Join us for a discussion of Ken Wald’s new book, The Ghosts on the Wall: A Grandson’s Memoir of the Holocaust
Congregation B’nai Israel, Monday November 18, 2024, 6:30 PM
Followed by Book Signing and Reception
Sponsored by the Bud Shorstein Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Florida and Congregation B’nai Israel
Free and Open to the Public.
Book available for purchase November 9th.
For a free copy follow the link below from Bookfunnel.
Birthday & Anniversary Celebrations
English Birthdays
Esther Mauffray
Elizabeth Robuck
Michelle Jensen
Steven Norflus
Frederic Kaye & Maria Zajac-Kaye
Cassidy and Marc Oody
George and Eleanor Snyder
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785