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Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque

Yahrzeit, the annual commemoration of a loved one’s death,
is a traditional act of remembrance.

Congregation B'nai Israel makes possible a permanent wall of remembrance within our sanctuary, providing an ever-present tribute to important people in our lives. Your donation and dedication of a Yahrzeit plaque helps perpetuate the memory of a loved one. Each year, a special marker next to the plaque will signify the anniversary. Throughout the year, we will also acknowledge your loved one during the Yiskor services.

Each plaque will include the name and the date of death according to both the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars. There is also the option of including the name in Hebrew.

Cost of Memorial Plaque for Current Members: $360
Cost of Memorial Plaque for NonMembers: $720


“The souls of the righteous live on in those who cherish their memories.” 

Your Information

Your confirmation email will be sent here.
Please note: To receive member pricing you must be a member in good standing. If you are not and select the member option, you will be responsible for the balance before the order will be processed.

Personalize Your Plaque(s)

Personalize Plaque 1

Please note name as you would like to have it read on the plaque.
In english transliteration, please include your loved one's Hebrew name. Rabbi Kaiman will use this to write the name in hebrew for the memorial plaque.
Note: Congregation B'nai Israel will include the Hebrew date.
Note: Time of death, before or after sunset, is necessary in calculating the Hebrew date. 

Personalize Plaque 2

Note: Congregation Shomrei Torah will look up the Hebrew date.
Note: Time of death, before or after sunset, is necessary in calculating the Hebrew date. 

Personalize Plaque 3

Note: Congregation Shomrei Torah will look up the Hebrew date.
Note: Time of death, before or after sunset, is necessary in calculating the Hebrew date. 

Personalize Plaque 4

Note: Congregation Shomrei Torah will look up the Hebrew date.
Note: Time of death, before or after sunset, is necessary in calculating the Hebrew date. 

Personalize Plaque 5

Note: Congregation Shomrei Torah will look up the Hebrew date.
Note: Time of death, before or after sunset, is necessary in calculating the Hebrew date. 

Memorial Plaque Placement


May Their Memories Be a Blessing

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785